The inner thoughts of a stay-at-home mom who hopes talking to the computer will be at least a little more rewarding than chatting with a stuffed elephant.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It's official
Nothing else to say, really, except "pass the vodka."
Oh no. I'm so sorry. I've been away and behind on my blog reading. Now I wish I had been able to keep up and give you some positive vibes or at least some hugs along the way.
This didn't start out as an infertility blog. I had my daughter, M, in 2005. Totally easy conception and pregnancy. We started trying for another child in August 2006, figuring we'd have no problems. And here's what happened:
10/06 -- BFP!
12/06 -- First ultrasound -- Twins! Unfortunately, one was already dead.
1/07 -- Other twin dead, D&C.
4/07 -- BFP!
6/07 -- Horrible cramps, ER visit, laparoscopic surgery to remove ectopic pregnancy and left fallopian tube.
10/07 -- Clomid cycle (just in case), BFN.
12/07 -- Enough of this trying crap. Bring on the IVF!
1/08 -- Add "poor ovarian reserve" to the mix!
2/08 -- Oh, and also, probable poor responder. Whoopie!
3/08 -- First IVF. Successful in every way except for actually getting me pregnant (plenty of eggs, plenty of blasts, but BFN).
5/08 -- FET cycle. Positive!
If all goes well, we'll be having a baby in February 2009.
Oh hon, I'm sorry. It is just so tough.
Oh no. I'm so sorry. I've been away and behind on my blog reading. Now I wish I had been able to keep up and give you some positive vibes or at least some hugs along the way.
Sending my prayers your way.
Damn. Am sadly unknotting myself now. Happy to share a drink anytime, just let me know. I'm sorry.
thinking of you
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